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Dr. Michael Burnett Specializes in Problems of the Ear, Nose, Sinuses and Throat.

An ear, nose and throat specialist (ENT) is a physician trained in the medical and surgical treatment of the ears, nose, throat, and related structures of the head and neck. They have special expertise in managing diseases of the ears, nose and nasal passage sinuses, larynx (voice box), oral cavity and upper pharynx (mouth and throat), as well as structures of the neck and face. ENT is the oldest medical specialty in the United States.



Category Archives: Hearing

Hearing Health in the City That Never Sleeps: What You Need to Know

How do we maintain our hearing health? New York City, often referred to as the “City That Never Sleeps,” is known for its hustle and bustle, with a symphony of sounds that never seems to end. But amidst the noise and excitement of the city, it’s essential not to forget about your hearing health. Hearing loss is a prevalent issue, and the city’s environment can contribute to the problem. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of hearing health and what you need to know to protect your ears in the city.

Hearing Health in NYC ENT doctor 2024

The Impact of City Noise on Hearing

Living in a city like New York means exposure to high levels of noise pollution. From honking horns and sirens to construction work and crowded subways, the sounds of the city can be overwhelming. Prolonged exposure to loud noises can lead to noise-induced hearing loss, a condition that is entirely preventable.
To protect your hearing in the city, consider the following tips:

Use Ear Protection

When you know you’ll be in noisy environments, such as concerts, sporting events, or construction areas, use ear protection like earplugs or earmuffs. These simple devices can significantly reduce your risk of noise-induced hearing loss.

Give Your Ears a Break

If you find yourself in a noisy environment, take short breaks to give your ears a rest. Step away from the noise for a few minutes to reduce your overall exposure.

Recognize the Signs of Hearing Loss

It’s essential to recognize the signs of hearing loss and seek help when needed. Common signs include:

  • Difficulty understanding conversations, especially in noisy environments.
  • Asking people to repeat themselves frequently.
  • Turning up the volume on the TV or radio.
  • Avoiding social situations because of hearing difficulties.

If you or a loved one are experiencing these symptoms, it’s time to consult with a hearing specialist.

Hearing Loss and Health-Best ENT doc

The Importance of Regular Hearing Checkups

Regular hearing checkups are crucial for maintaining your hearing health. Just as you visit the dentist for regular oral checkups and the eye doctor for vision exams, seeing a hearing specialist is essential for monitoring your hearing health.

Dr. Michael Burnett, a leading ENT specialist in New York City, offers comprehensive hearing evaluations and can provide guidance and treatment options if you’re experiencing hearing issues. These checkups can detect hearing loss early, allowing for prompt intervention and treatment.

Contact Ear, Nose & Throat of New York

Your hearing health is too important to neglect, especially in a city with as much noise as New York. Dr. Michael Burnett and the team at Ear, Nose & Throat of New York are here to help you protect your hearing and address any hearing-related concerns you may have.

Don’t let the city’s noise jeopardize your hearing health. Take proactive steps to protect your ears and seek the expertise of Dr. Michael Burnett and the team at Ear, Nose & Throat of New York. Contact us today to schedule your hearing evaluation and prioritize your hearing health. To schedule a hearing evaluation or learn more about our services, contact us at:

Ear, Nose & Throat of New York
Michael C. Burnett, MD
115 East 57th Street
Suite 600 New York, NY 10022

The Importance of Regular Hearing Checkups for All Ages

Regular hearing checkups importance ENT NYC 2023Hearing loss affects people of all ages, and regular hearing checkups are essential for maintaining good hearing health. While many people only think of getting their hearing checked when they notice a problem, regular checkups can help detect problems early, leading to better outcomes and improved quality of life. In this article, we will discuss the importance of regular hearing checkups for all ages.

Why are Regular Hearing Checkups Important?

Regular hearing check-ups are important for a variety of reasons. Here are the top 4 most common:

  1. Early Detection: Regular hearing checkups can help detect hearing loss early, before it becomes severe and irreversible. Early detection allows for earlier intervention, leading to better outcomes and improved quality of life.
  2. Prevention: Regular hearing checkups can help identify factors that may contribute to hearing loss, such as noise exposure or ear infections, and allow for early intervention and prevention.
  3. Maintenance: Regular hearing checkups can help monitor hearing health over time, allowing for early detection of any changes or deterioration and allowing for appropriate interventions to maintain hearing health.
  4. Improved Quality of Life: Improved hearing health can lead to improved quality of life, including better communication, social interaction, and overall well-being.

When Should You Get a Hearing Checkup?

Hearing checkups should be a routine part of healthcare, just like regular physicals and dental checkups. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association recommends the following guidelines for hearing checkups:

  • Adults should have a hearing screening at least once every ten years up to age 50, and every three years thereafter.
  • Children should have their hearing screened at birth and at regular intervals throughout childhood.
  • Individuals who work in noisy environments or who are exposed to loud noise regularly should have their hearing checked more frequently.

If you experience any changes in your hearing or notice any symptoms of hearing loss, such as ringing in the ears or difficulty hearing conversations, you should schedule a hearing checkup right away.

hearing checkup for children all ages

Contact Dr. Michael Burnett and the ENTs at Ear, Nose & Throat of New York

Don’t let hearing loss limit your quality of life. Get expert care and treatment with regular hearing checkups. If you are due for a hearing checkup or have noticed changes in your hearing, Dr. Michael Burnett and the ENTs at Ear, Nose & Throat of New York can provide you with expert care and treatment.

Dr. Burnett offers a range of services and treatments to help patients with hearing loss find the best solutions for their needs, including hearing screenings and hearing aids, and we are dedicated to providing personalized and compassionate care to each of our patients.

To schedule an appointment or to learn more about our ENT services, contact us at:

Ear, Nose & Throat of New York
Michael C. Burnett, MD
115 East 57th Street
Suite 600
New York, NY 10022


Common Hearing Problems and Treatments

What are the more common hearing problems and treatments? Hearing loss is common among older adults. In fact, it is natural for you to experience hearing problems as you grow older. Although many people develop these issues with age, hearing loss can very well affect people of all ages and medical backgrounds. For example, some infants are born with congenital hearing loss. Other times, hearing problems can be a result of certain diseases affecting the ears.

Common Hearing Problems and Treatments

In any case, impaired sense of hearing can have adverse effects on your quality of life. It makes it hard for patients to hear sounds and participate in conversations. According to the reports, every 1 in 10 people suffers from some extent of hearing loss. If you experience a problem in hearing, an ENT specialist might be able to determine and address your issue.

Types of Hearing Problems and Their Treatments

There are three basic types of hearing problems that affect people of all ages. You may experience any of these in one (unilateral hearing loss) or two (bilateral hearing loss) ears. This and the category of your condition entirely depend on the cause and location of the damage.

Sensorineural Hearing Loss

The most common type of hearing problem is called sensorineural hearing loss. There may be several reasons why someone may experience this condition. Common reasons include exposure to loud noise, disease, injury, inherited condition, aging, etc.

A patient experiences sensorineural hearing loss when the hearing nerve or inner ear suffers from damage. Generally, this is also when the hair cells within your cochlea are damaged.


It is quite impossible to treat sensorineural hearing loss medically or surgically. However, different treatment options and methods improve the symptoms for many people. In fact, hearing aids have proved beneficial in some cases as well.

Corticosteroids can improve symptoms of sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL). They can reduce swelling of cochlea cells as well as inflammations caused due to loud noise exposure.

Conductive Hearing Loss

Conductive hearing loss is another type of hearing problem that can occur in people of all ages. Typically, this health condition relating to the ears is most common in children who have suffered from recurrent ear infections.

When a child experiences infections too frequently or inserts foreign objects in the ear canal, they are likely to develop conductive hearing loss over time. The loss mainly occurs in the outer and middle layers of the ear, inhibiting sound waves from reaching the inner ear.


It is possible to reverse conductive hearing loss through surgical or medical intervention. Surgery may be beneficial in conditions like:

  • Congenital absence of ear canal
  • Closed ear canal
  • Malformation
  • Dysfunction of structures in the middle ear
  • Otosclerosis

Other times, amplification with the help of a surgically implanted osseointegrated device and bone-conduction hearing aid also helps. Depending on the severity of damage and condition of your hearing nerve, your ENT might also recommend a conventional hearing aid.

Common Hearing Problems and Treatments | Best ENT NYC

Mixed Hearing Loss

Mixed hearing loss refers to a hearing problem that is caused due to a combination of both sensorineural and conductive damage. For example, some people have damaged outer and middle ear as well as the damaged cochlea and auditory nerve.

Most of the time, mixed hearing loss is a result of inherited conditions, ear infections, or a head injury. On the other hand, some patients develop conductive components as an addition to their sensorineural hearing loss.


According to audiologists, it is better to take care of and treat the conductive component first. This is because many patients tend to become better candidates for hearing aids this way. For example, flattening the audiogram in addition to the conductive component presents a high-frequency loss in many cases.

Common Hearing Problems and Treatments: Conclusion

While it is hard to reverse all hearing problems, it is possible to reduce the severity of symptoms through medical or surgical intervention. If you’re experiencing any sort of hearing problem, seeing an ENT specialist in time can help.

Dr. Michael Burnett can diagnose your condition and recommend the best treatment option. Visit us today or give us a call at 212-867-4813.


Technology And Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is a common problem. Statistics state the number to be one out of every ten Americans. Otolaryngologists, also called ear notes and throat (ENT) specialists are trained to diagnose and treat hearing loss, among other matters. In the past four decades, technology has made it easier for them to address the situation and recommend treatment that works effectively.

Hearing Loss, Technology and Devices

Today, we live in a world where technology rules. It is at the forefront of many medical discoveries. Combining medical research with computers and digital technology has provided us with a wide array of options when it comes to enhancing our hearing. Your ENT specialist will look at a variety of factors before suggesting the best devices for your condition. Under consideration will be:

  • Type of hearing loss
  • Severity of hearing loss
  • Work environment
  • Home environment
  • Extracurricular activities

These will influence the type of hearing device. Your options will range from simple amplified listening devices such as telephones and alarm clocks to cochlear implants. These are tiny devices surgically implanted in your inner ear. Your NET specialist would suggest these only if you are profoundly deaf.

You can also rely on your hand held devices to help. Such things as cell phones, tablets and laptops allow you to send and receive text messages. This form of technology helps by reducing the chance you will misinterpret or not hear crucial or casual material. Yet, still holding prominence is one of the most common pieces of equipment to help you with your hearing loss. This is a hearing aid.

Hearing Aids

Hearing aids are no longer as heavy or conspicuous as they once were. Digital technology has made them lighter, highly adaptable and more intelligent than ever before. Thanks to the latest technology, hearing aids are now more individualized than ever before. You can order models with special features and programs. Their noise reduction algorithms are very successful at reducing and even removing that annoying whistling of feedback.

Decreased visibility is also a common feature. Depending upon the extent of your hearing loss, you may even wear a model that is hidden inside your ear. In general, hearing aids are available as:

  • Behind-the-ear (BTE)
  • Mini BTE
  • In-the-ear (ITE)
  • In-the-canal (ITC)
  • Completely-in-canal (CIC)
  • These electronic instruments are small, light, removable and individualized.

Technology and Hearing Loss

Computers and the digitalized world have created a shift in the way NET specialists can provide help for those with hearing loss. The latest technology offers options previously lacking. The continued advancement in miniaturization of complex devices and the improvement of many hearing devices bodes well for all who currently have and may soon suffer hearing loss in the future.

Contact us at 212-867-4813 to schedule a consultation.

Michael C. Burnett, MD

115 East 57th Street
(Between Park + Lexington Ave.)
Suite 600
New York, NY 10022
