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Dr. Michael Burnett Specializes in Problems of the Ear, Nose, Sinuses and Throat.

An ear, nose and throat specialist (ENT) is a physician trained in the medical and surgical treatment of the ears, nose, throat, and related structures of the head and neck. They have special expertise in managing diseases of the ears, nose and nasal passage sinuses, larynx (voice box), oral cavity and upper pharynx (mouth and throat), as well as structures of the neck and face. ENT is the oldest medical specialty in the United States.



Category Archives: Allergies

Managing Allergies with an ENT Specialist

Managing Allergies with an ENT Specialist NYC 2024Managing allergies effectively often requires the expertise of an ENT specialist. Here’s how they can help.

Comprehensive Diagnosis

An ENT specialist can perform thorough evaluations to identify specific allergens triggering your symptoms. This may involve skin prick tests, blood tests, and reviewing your medical history. Accurate diagnosis is the first step towards effective allergy management, as it pinpoints the exact causes of your symptoms and helps tailor the treatment accordingly.

Customized Treatment Plans

Based on the diagnosis, an ENT specialist can create a personalized treatment plan. This may include a combination of allergy medications such as antihistamines, decongestants, nasal corticosteroids, and leukotriene inhibitors. In some cases, immunotherapy (allergy shots) may be recommended. This treatment gradually desensitizes your immune system to specific allergens, providing long-term relief. Lifestyle modifications, such as changes in diet or environment, are also often advised to reduce exposure to allergens.

Advanced Treatments

For severe cases, ENT specialists offer advanced treatments such as sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT), where allergens are administered under the tongue to build tolerance. Minimally invasive procedures, such as balloon sinuplasty, can alleviate symptoms by improving sinus drainage and reducing inflammation. These treatments are particularly beneficial for patients with chronic sinusitis linked to allergies, providing significant relief and improving quality of life.

Management of Complications

ENT specialists are equipped to manage complications associated with allergies, such as chronic sinusitis, ear infections, and nasal polyps. Chronic sinusitis, for example, may require a combination of medications and surgical interventions to restore normal sinus function. Ear infections, common in individuals with allergies, are treated with a mix of antibiotics and allergy management strategies to prevent recurrence. Nasal polyps, benign growths in the nasal passages, may be managed with corticosteroids or surgically removed if they cause significant obstruction.

Preventive Care

ENT specialists provide guidance on preventive measures to avoid allergens, including tips on maintaining a clean environment and dietary adjustments. For example, using high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters in your home can reduce airborne allergens. Regular cleaning and avoiding known triggers such as pet dander or certain foods can also help manage symptoms. Preventive care is a crucial aspect of long-term allergy management, aiming to minimize exposure to allergens and prevent flare-ups.

Ongoing Support

Regular follow-ups with an ENT specialist help monitor your condition, adjust treatments as needed, and ensure long-term management of allergies. These appointments are vital for assessing the effectiveness of the treatment plan and making necessary modifications. Continuous support from your ENT specialist ensures that you stay on top of your allergies and maintain a good quality of life.

Managing Allergies with an ENT Specialist: Conclusion

Managing allergies with an ENT specialist offers a holistic approach, from accurate diagnosis to advanced treatments and ongoing support. This comprehensive care can significantly improve your quality of life by effectively managing symptoms and preventing complications.

For expert allergy management, contact Dr. Michael Burnett at Ear, Nose & Throat of New York. Our dedicated team is here to provide comprehensive care.

Ear, Nose & Throat of New York
Michael C. Burnett, MD
115 East 57th Street Suite 600
New York, NY 10022
Phone: 212-867-4813


Navigating NYC Allergies: Tips from a Top ENT Specialist

NYC Allergy specialist Best ENT doctorWhat are some good tips to manage NYC allergies? New York City is a vibrant and bustling metropolis known for its iconic landmarks, diverse culture, and fast-paced lifestyle. However, for many residents, the city’s charm comes with a less appealing feature—seasonal allergies. If you find yourself sniffling, sneezing, and itching your way through the city, you’re not alone. NYC allergies can be a challenge, but with the guidance of a top ENT specialist like Dr. Michael Burnett, you can navigate them successfully. Here are some expert tips to help you manage your allergies in the city that never sleeps.

NYC Allergies: Tips from a Top ENT Specialist

Understand the Allergens

NYC is home to a variety of allergens that can trigger symptoms in sensitive individuals. Common allergens in the city include pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds, as well as mold spores. Airborne pollutants, such as vehicle exhaust and industrial emissions, can exacerbate allergy symptoms. It’s essential to know which allergens affect you so that you can take targeted measures to minimize exposure.

Monitor Allergy Forecasts

Keep an eye on daily allergy forecasts, which are often available through weather apps or websites. These forecasts provide information on pollen and mold counts, helping you plan your outdoor activities accordingly. On high pollen days, it may be best to limit your time outdoors or take allergy medications before heading out.

Create an Allergy-Safe Home

Make your home a sanctuary from allergens. Keep windows closed to prevent pollen from entering, and use high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters in your HVAC system. Regularly clean and vacuum your home, including carpets, rugs, and upholstery. Consider investing in allergen-proof covers for your pillows and mattresses to reduce exposure to dust mites.

Practice Good Personal Hygiene

After spending time outdoors, wash your hands, face, and hair to remove pollen and other allergens. Change your clothes, especially if you’ve been in heavily wooded or grassy areas. Showering before bedtime can prevent allergens from ending up on your bedding.

Use Allergy Medications Wisely

Over-the-counter or prescription allergy medications can provide relief from symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes. Consult with Dr. Michael Burnett to determine the most suitable medication and dosage for your allergies. It’s essential to follow your healthcare provider’s recommendations and not to overuse these medications.

Consider Allergy Testing

NYC AllergiesIf your allergies are severe or difficult to manage, consider undergoing allergy testing. Allergy testing can pinpoint the specific allergens that trigger your symptoms, allowing for targeted treatment. Dr. Michael Burnett can provide comprehensive allergy testing and develop a personalized treatment plan to address your allergies effectively.

Consult with an ENT Specialist

If your allergies persist or are accompanied by chronic sinus problems, it’s time to consult with a top ENT specialist like Dr. Michael Burnett. ENT doctors specialize in treating conditions related to the ear, nose, and throat, including allergies. Dr. Burnett can evaluate your symptoms, provide expert guidance, and offer advanced treatments to alleviate your allergy-related issues.

Contact Ear, Nose & Throat of New York

If you’re struggling with allergies in NYC, you don’t have to face them alone. Dr. Michael Burnett and the team at Ear, Nose & Throat of New York are here to help you navigate your allergies successfully. We offer a wide range of ENT-related services, including allergy testing, treatment, and personalized care for patients of all ages.

Don’t let allergies disrupt your life in the city that never sleeps. Take control of your allergies with the expert care of Dr. Michael Burnett and the team at Ear, Nose & Throat of New York. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and start breathing easier.

Ear, Nose & Throat of New York
Michael C. Burnett, MD
115 East 57th Street Suite 600 New York, NY 10022

Don’t let allergies disrupt your life in the city that never sleeps. Take control of your allergies with the expert care of Dr. Michael Burnett and the team at Ear, Nose & Throat of New York. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and start breathing easier.

Managing Allergies with Allergy Testing and Immunotherapy

What are the benefits of allergy testing and immunotherapy for managing allergies? Allergies can be a major inconvenience and affect people of all ages. Symptoms such as sneezing, itching, runny nose, and watery eyes can interfere with daily activities and reduce the quality of life. While there are many over-the-counter treatments for allergies, some require more advanced treatments such as allergy testing and immunotherapy.

managing allergies top benefits of testing

Allergy Testing

Allergy testing involves identifying the specific allergens that trigger an individual’s allergic reaction. There are several different methods of allergy testing, including skin tests and blood tests. Skin tests involve introducing small amounts of allergens to the skin to observe any allergic reactions, while blood tests measure the levels of allergen-specific antibodies in the blood.

Once the allergens are identified, the patient can take steps to avoid or reduce exposure to those allergens. This can be accomplished through lifestyle changes, such as avoiding certain foods or using allergen-proof covers on pillows and mattresses, or through medical treatment, such as immunotherapy.


Immunotherapy, also known as allergy shots, is a treatment that involves gradually introducing small amounts of allergens to the body in order to desensitize the immune system to those allergens. This can reduce or eliminate the symptoms of allergies and improve quality of life.

Immunotherapy typically involves a series of injections over a period of several months, with the doses gradually increasing over time. Once the maximum dose is reached, the injections are continued on a maintenance schedule for several years.

Managing Allergies: Main Benefits of Allergy Testing and Immunotherapy

allergies immunotherapy allergy testingHere are the top 4 benefits of testing and immunotherapy with regards to allergies:

  1. More Accurate Diagnosis: Allergy testing can help identify the specific allergens that are triggering a patient’s allergic reactions, allowing for more accurate diagnosis and treatment.
  2. Targeted Treatment: Once the allergens are identified, immunotherapy can provide targeted treatment, desensitizing the immune system to those allergens and reducing or eliminating symptoms.
  3. Long-Term Relief: Immunotherapy can provide long-term relief from allergies, reducing the need for medication and improving quality of life.
  4. Improved Asthma Control: Allergy testing and immunotherapy can also help improve asthma control in patients with both allergies and asthma.

Managing Allergies: Contact Dr. Michael Burnett at Ear, Nose & Throat of New York

If you suffer from allergies and want to explore the benefits of allergy testing and immunotherapy, Dr. Michael Burnett can provide you with expert care and treatment. Dr. Burnett and his staff are dedicated to providing personalized and compassionate care to patients, including allergy testing and immunotherapy.

Don’t let allergies limit your quality of life. Get the relief you need with allergy testing and immunotherapy and the expert care of Dr. Michael Burnett and the team at Ear, Nose & Throat of New York. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

Ear, Nose & Throat of New York
Michael C. Burnett, MD
115 East 57th Street Suite 600 New York, NY 10022


Nasal Allergies: Symptoms & Causes

Nasal allergies or allergic rhinitis are among the common health problems. This condition can be seasonal, which means that you may feel the symptoms at a specific time of the year. This can only be perennial, meaning it can cause throughout the year. This condition may also occur with other health problems like asthma.

Nasal Allergies

Allergic Reactions

Your body’s reaction to an allergen can cause your allergy. Allergens are substances that cause abnormal responses to your body. Common allergens that may cause nasal allergies or an adverse reaction include:

  • Mold
  • Pollen
  • Air pollution
  • Feathered and furry animals
  • Dust mites

Allergens are generally harmless, but when a person has an allergy, the body considers it as harmful. Your body reacts and indicates antibodies to attack this substance. When allergens stick to antibodies, they make mass cells release chemicals like histamine. This chemical disturbs nearby nasal tissues causing you symptoms of nasal allergies.

Common Symptoms of Nasal Allergies

Due to allergies, your nasal tissue can swell, making your air passages smaller. This will also stuff up nose, excessive mucus formation, nose plug, and dripping out from the nose. Moreover, you will feel a postnasal drip, which is dripping of mucus through the throat. Sinus tissue will swell, causing you headache and pain. Some common symptoms of allergy are:

  • Sneezing
  • Watery and red eyes
  • Coughing
  • Headache
  • Nasal congestion
  • Itchy nose, ears eyes, and throat
  • Ear congestion
  • Postnasal drip
  • Sore throat
  • Sinus swell and pain
  • Runny nose and watery discharge

1.     Stuffy and Runny Nose

A most common symptom of nasal allergy is a stuffy or runny nose. You can start recovering by stopping allergy triggers. For that, you need to know what triggers your allergy. But it is hard to avoid some triggers. All you need to do is to reduce exposure to these allergens. Some people use Neti pot or a nasal rinse to clear congestion. Over-the-counter decongestants, antihistamines, and cromolyn sodium nasal sprays can help to control symptoms of nasal allergies. Do not use the nasal spray for more than three days without consulting the doctor. Always follow the direction to use OTC medicine. If you did not recover in seven days, you need to see a doctor.

2.     Sinus Pressure

Sinuses are cavities behind your cheeks, eyes, and forehead. Mucus buildup in this area due to allergies can cause you pain or pressure. Applying moist and warm cloth on your face or taking steam a few times a day can help reduce sinus congestion. Saline nasal spray can also help.

3.     Itchy Eyes

One of the common symptoms of allergy is watery or itchy eyes. It may not cause you any vision problems or severe eye issues, but it can be irritating.

To prevent itchy eyes, you have to avoid the triggers that can cause you allergies. For instance, if pollen can cause you allergy, you can keep your windows close, when you are inside. When you go out, you can wear a mask and sunglasses to protect your eyes and keep you away from allergens.

You should avoid wearing contact lenses as this can cause a reaction and do not rub your eyes, since you may irritate your eyes more. You can place a cold cloth on your eyes or use artificial tears to soothe your eyes. OTC medication, prescription, or eye drops can help to relieve you from this symptom.

Nasal Allergies Doctor NYC

4.     Post-Nasal Drip

Your body naturally generates mucus, and you continuously swallow it without knowing. During postnasal drip, your body either creates more mucus, or it becomes thick. This makes you feel the dripping into your throat from the back of your nose. It may also cause you irritation and pain as you feel a lump in your throat. When this happens, allergens can easily stick to the blockage due to mucus triggering allergies. To avoid this, you should continuously drink fluids, or you can use a saline nasal spray, which makes the mucus thin.

5.     Nasal Congestion

Nasal congestion is the term to refer to the difficulty of breathing in and out. This symptom may cause for various reasons, and the most common one is due to swelling and inflammation of the tissues of sinuses and nasal passage.

Get Nasal Allergies Treatment – Best ENT Telemedicine

If you are feeling any of the above symptoms for more than a week, schedule a telemedicine appointment with ENT specialist Dr. Michael Burnett.

(212) 644-8350

For more information, visit our website at: https://earnosethroatofnewyork.com/

Nasal Allergies

Nasal allergies or allergic rhinitis are among common health problems. The condition can be seasonal, which means that you may feel the symptoms at a specific time of the year, or perennial, meaning it can  throughout the year. This condition may also occur with other health problems like asthma.

Allergic Reaction

Your body’s reaction with an allergen may cause your allergy. Allergen is a substance causing abnormal responses to your body. Common allergens that may be a threat for your body include:

  • Mold
  • Pollen
  • Cockroaches
  • Feathered and furry animals
  • Dust mites

Allergens are generally harmless, but when a person has an allergy, the body considers it as harmful. Your body reacts and indicates antibodies to attack this substance. When allergens stick to antibodies, they make mass cells release chemicals like histamine. This chemical disturbs nearby nasal tissues causing you symptoms of nasal allergies.

Common Symptoms of Nasal Allergies

Due to allergies, your nasal tissue can swell, making your air passages smaller. This will also stuff up nose, excessive mucus formation, nose plug, and dripping out from the nose. Moreover, you will feel a postnasal drip, which is dripping of mucus through the throat. Sinus tissue will swell, causing you headache and pain. Some common symptoms of allergy are:

  • Sneezing
  • Watery and red eyes
  • Coughing
  • Headache
  • Nasal congestion
  • Itchy nose, ears eyes, and throat
  • Ear congestion
  • Postnasal drip
  • Sore throat
  • Sinus swell and pain
  • Runny nose and watery discharge

1.     Stuffy and Runny Nose

A most common symptom of nasal allergy is a stuffy or runny nose. You can start recovering by stopping allergy triggers. For that, you need to know what triggers your allergy. But it is hard to avoid some triggers. All you need to do is to reduce exposure to these allergens. Some people use Neti pot or a nasal rinse to clear congestion. Over-the-counter decongestants, antihistamines, and cromolyn sodium nasal sprays can help to control symptoms of nasal allergies. Do not use the nasal spray for more than three days without consulting the doctor. Always follow the direction to use OTC medicine. If you did not recover in seven days, you need to see a doctor.

2.     Sinus Pressure

Sinuses are cavities behind your cheeks, eyes, and forehead. Mucus buildup in this area due to allergies can cause you pain or pressure. Applying moist and warm cloth on your face or taking steam a few times a day can help reduce sinus congestion. Saline nasal spray can also help.

3.     Itchy Eyes

One of the common symptoms of allergy is watery or itchy eyes. It may not cause you any vision problems or severe eye issues, but it can be irritating.

To prevent itchy eyes, you have to avoid the triggers that can cause you allergies. For instance, if pollen can cause you allergy, you can keep your windows close, when you are inside. When you go out, you can wear a mask and sunglasses to protect your eyes and keep you away from allergens.

You should avoid wearing contact lenses as this can cause a reaction and do not rub your eyes, since you may irritate your eyes more. You can place a cold cloth on your eyes or use artificial tears to soothe your eyes. OTC medication, prescription, or eye drops can help to relieve you from this symptom.

4.     Post-Nasal Drip

Your body naturally generates mucus, and you continuously swallow it without knowing. During postnasal drip, your body either creates more mucus, or it becomes thick. This makes you feel the dripping into your throat from the back of your nose. It may also cause you irritation and pain as you feel a lump in your throat. When this happens, allergens can easily stick to the blockage due to mucus triggering allergies. To avoid this, you should continuously drink fluids, or you can use a saline nasal spray, which makes the mucus thin.

5.     Nasal Congestion

Nasal congestion is the term to refer to the difficulty of breathing in and out. This symptom may cause for various reasons, and the most common one is due to swelling and inflammation of the tissues of sinuses and nasal passage.


If you are feeling any of the above symptoms for more than a week, visit an ENT specialist. You can consult the best ENT Doctor Michael Burnett. To book an appointment, please contact us below:

Michael C. Burnett, MD

115 East 57th Street
(Between Park + Lexington Ave.)
Suite 600
New York, NY 10022


Allergies – Ear, Nose & Throat

An allergy refers to a reaction to allergens, which are present in the environment and can be harmful, mildly harmful or severely. Allergens include, dust mites, molds or ticks. These allergens tend to trigger different types of allergies. Your immune system detects these foreign substances and comes to the rescue. It fights back by producing anti bodies that help kill bacteria and get rid of the allergens.

ENT Allergies- Symptoms

Allergies that affect your ear, nose and throat usually result in skin inflammation, sinus problems and air pathway issues. If you are suffering from an allergic reaction the first symptom that you may notice is a stuffy nose. Other than that, having a sore throat or irritation in your ears is also very normal.

Ear allergies are very common in children. They usually suffer from allergic rhinitis. You will see people referring to it as hay fever. This affects the middle part of their ear and can cause abnormal swelling and inflammation around the nose and the ear canal. It may also cause conjunctivitis and red puffy eyes.

Nose related allergies usually affect the sinuses of your head and nose. These are hollow air pathways that produce germ-killing mucus. Allergens typically enter your body when you inhale something that carries bacteria e.g. pollen or dust grains. These allergens cause a sinus infection that makes you sneeze and your nose itchy and red.

Throat allergies or a sore throat are the most common allergies. The main symptom of this allergy is post nasal drip. It causes congestion in the sinuses. Post nasal drip occurs when you are unable to swallow your mucus. This happens when the mucus gets thicker than usual, making it hard to swallow. If you have a post nasal drip, you will cough excessively in an attempt to clear out your throat. This can make your throat scratchy. Mild discomfort and irritation is normal if you are suffering from a post nasal drip. Another major symptom is that it makes your breath stink and causes you to spit a lot.


Your ENT allergist will guide you best on what you need to do to treat your problem. They will recommend you suitable treatments after proper diagnosis. Also, once they have identified the cause of the allergy (allergen), they will help you get rid of it before things get severe. For example, you may be allergic to your newly adopted pet cat’s fur. It is vital to keep your environment clean and free of any type of allergen.

Doctors will prescribe decongestants to help ease the passing of mucus. Decongestants are available in the form of pills or sprays. Other than that, nasal sprays can also be a part of the prescription. Thanks to the advancements in medical sciences, immune therapy is another option available for this purpose. In fact, it is a very innovative medical discovery. It involves injecting the same allergen that caused the allergy in small amounts inside your body. It fights the allergy and helps reduce your symptoms.

Immunotherapy is useful in fighting rhinitis, inflammation, asthma and other allergy symptoms.


If you have detected any of these allergy symptoms in yourself and you don’t know what to do to get rid of them, you should not worry anymore. You must seek professional help and find out ways to tackle your problem. Get in touch with Dr. Burnett, the best ENT Allergist in NYC.

Schedule your appointment now.

Could You Have Seasonal Allergies?

Your eyes itch and your head is pounding. You are tired all of the time. Your nose feels like it is on fire because it is red and raw. Add to that the fact that you just cannot seem to think straight and you may be dealing with seasonable allergies. Many people suffer from these allergies when the seasons are changing. It often is brought on by the budding of flowers and trees. Millions of people suffer from seasonal allergies. But, are you?

Common Symptoms of Seasonal Allergies

The most common symptoms of seasonal allergies are those of a cold. If you feel like you have a could at the start of spring, summer or fall, the most common time of the year for allergy sufferers to experience discomfort, then you could have this condition.

These symptoms often include:

  • Congestion
  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Hay fever
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue

What can you do if you are suffering from these types of allergies? The ultimately goal is to reduce the amount of exposure you have to the allergen, or the substance that you are allergic to. You can do this in the following ways:

  • Try to stay indoors more often when it is very dry outside or very windy. These are the times when the most allergen material will be in the air.
  • Don’t mow the lawn, pull weeks, or handle other types of gardening chores as these worsen your explore.
  • Use a pollen mask when you have to outside when pollen counts are very high for the day.
  • Wash your hands, skin and hair well after you have been outside for a long time especially before going to bed.
  • Avoid hang drying your clothing outdoors.

And, Get Help

Many people who suffer from seasonal allergies do not know what type of allergens they are facing because they have not been properly diagnosed. Your first step, then, should be to visit an ENT to get an allergy test. This will identify which allergens are impacting you the first. It is then possible for you and your doctor to work out a treatment plan that can help you to minimize the amount of exposure you have. In addition, this will give you access to medications and treatments to reduce symptoms.

Call our offices today at 212-867-4813 and schedule an appointment for the best ENT in New York to get started on your path to allergy relief.

Diagnose Allergies

ENT to Diagnose Allergies

When should you see an ENT to diagnose allergies? From itchy eyes to a scratchy throat or even in some cases life threatening ailments, knowing what is behind the way you or your child feels is essential. An ear, nose, and throat doctor is the ideal person to turn to for this type of support. Take a few minutes to discuss the options available to you and then call our office for our dedicated team of professionals to support you.

How Can an ENT Help You?

There are a variety of ways an ENT can help you with allergies. First, these professionals often focus their practice on providing treatment for conditions related to the ear, nose, throat, head, and neck. Allergies often impact these areas. They can help you in a number of ways:

An ENT can help you to diagnose the type of allergy present using a variety of methods. The underlying goal will be to determine which elements create allergies in an individual through a comprehensive process.

They can help you to determine the best treatment options for minimizing risks related to the allergy. For example, you will learn how to avoid the element causing the allergy as well as what to do if you come into contact with it. They can also aid in treatment to any symptoms or outcomes of allergic reactions such as damage to the airway or concerns related to long-term allergy exposure.

Diagnosis Allergies:

Allergies tend to be hard to diagnose. Though many men and women, as well as children, face allergies, many of those individuals have no idea how to prevent the symptoms from impacting their daily life. Take a few minutes to consider your current treatment. If you are not seeing the improvement you desire, it may be time to consider alternative help that can help to improve your quality of life and give you the amount and type of relief you need.

Talk to an ENT to diagnose allergies and then to learn how to overcome the impact they have on your daily life. You may find that a simple appointment with these professionals can help to change the way you feel as well as your overall well being.

Call our offices at 212-867-4813 to schedule a consultation with our experienced and expert ENT doctor in Manhattan, New York and take the first step at getting the relief you need.

Michael C. Burnett, MD

115 East 57th Street
(Between Park + Lexington Ave.)
Suite 600
New York, NY 10022
